Prompt/Preventive Health Criteria

Tools > Options > Prompts Tab


Items selected in the Preventive Health section of Prompt Options tab will appear on a Preventive Health Prompt and within the Preventive Health section of the Summary tab on the Clinical Window. See Prompt/Preventive Health Options for more information.

Clinical uses the following criteria for Prompts/Preventive Health Notifications:



ADF Post-discharge GP Health Assessment

The patient's ADF service is recorded as either;

  • Current Australian Defence Force - Reserves

  • Past Australian Defence Force - Permanent OR Reserves

A letter where the subject contains the phrase 'ADF Post-discharge' or 'ADF Post discharge' has not been created for the patient. Note that a Letter Writer template called 'ADF Post-discharge GP Health Assessment' is provided for this purpose.

ADT Vaccination

Prompt is shown if last ADT vaccination was over 10 years ago for:

Blood Glucose

Who have no blood glucose reading entered in their medical history. This prompt appears only for patients aged 40+.

Blood Pressure

Who have no BP records entered in their medical history.

Cervical Cancer Vaccination.

Patient is female or gender-neutral.

Patient is >= 14 and <= 26 years of age.

Patient has not had all three Gardasil vaccinations.

Cervical Screening

Female or gender-neutral patients who have not had a cervical screening recorded in the past five years.


This prompt is dependant on the age of the patient, as recorded in Clinical Options.

Cervical screening was introduced in Clinical 3.17.2, and replaced the pap test. The time between tests changed from 2 years to 5 years. If it has been less than two years since your patient last had a pap test, you will still get the prompt to remind you to recall them when their two-year test is due. After that, you will be prompted every five years for that patient.

Childhood Immunisation

Under 18 years of age.

Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk

See Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk' Search Criteria for detailed information.

H. Pylori

Over 14 years of age and have been prescribed H2 Receptor Antagonist drug for 350+ days of the last 400.

Health Assessment

Who have not had a health assessment in the past 12 months.

Heart Failure

Who have had heart failure entered in their past medical history.


Who have no height entered in their medical history. This prompt appears only for patients <20 or >50 years of age.


Who have had Hypo kit registered in their past medical history.

Influenza 'At Risk'

See Influenza 'At Risk' Search Criteria for detailed information.


Female or gender-neutral patients aged 55 or older, who has not had ' mammogram' recorded in their results or history within the last 2 years.


Who have had NSAID/GI entered in their past medical history.

Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk'

See Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk' Search Criteria for detailed information.

Renal Disease


Who have smoking entered in their medical history.

Thyroid Disease

Female or gender-neutral patients over 49 years of age who have any of the following recorded:


Who have no weight entered in their medical history.