Adding, Editing, and Deleting Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners

If you wish to create a new Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner record, and you run MedicalDirector Pracsoft in conjunction with Clinical, you must create the practitioner record in Pracsoft first, ensuring you give the new Practitioner record a User ID. In this way, when you then log into Clinical, the practitioner record will be available for you. The only exception to this rule is for Allied Health. In this instance, they need to be added to Clinical first, as a 'user' - not a 'practitioner'.

Adding Practitioner Records

Ensure you have opened the User Database.


Click Add Doctor or Add Nurse Practitioner. If there is no Add Doctor button present, please refer to Multi-User Licensing.

The Add Doctor/Nurse Practitioner window appears.


Enter your details.

All details marked with a red asterisk must be completed;

The recording of a Doctor's/Nurse Practitioner's name, address, prescriber number, provider number and qualifications is a legal requirement, as these details appear on prescriptions. The Provider Number is required as it is used on Pathology/Radiology forms and added to referral letters.

Indicate the doctor's location.

See Healthcare Identifiers Service for information on the HPI-I number.

The AHPRA Registration/State Registration No. fields are optional. For more information please contact the Department of Health and Ageing in your state.

If you wish to participate in My Health Record, tick the Participate in MyHealthRecord check box and enter your details as you wish them to appear within the My Health Record system.



ePrescribing is enabled by default, and requires that you have registered for MDExchange to function.

Indicate whether this practitioner participates in Real Time Prescription Monitoring.

Indicate whether this practitioner wishes to enable Paperless ePrescribing.

Tick the Auto-Capitalise Name check box to automatically capitalise the first letter of each word you type. There are numerous windows throughout Clinical that offer this functionality, including the various Options tabs. The status of this Auto-Capitalise Name check box determines the default for all others.

Tick the PKI Encryption check box to enable the encrypting of e-mail correspondence sent from Clinical Letter Writer using HESA PKI Certificate encryption technology.


Click OK to add the new user to the database,.and create a password. See Setting and Changing Your Password.

Click Save to confirm.

Consider configuring the user's permissions.

If you created a new Nurse Practitioner and you run Pracsoft in conjunction with Clinical, you will now need to open Pracsoft and add the Nurse Practitioner to Pracsoft. See Editing Practitioners and Users within Pracsoft for detailed instructions.

Editing Practitioner Records

Via the User Database select the record you wish to edit, and click Edit.

Make the changes you require.

Click OK to confirm your changes.

(optional) If you are registered to use MD Exchange, you will also be prompted to confirm whether you want these changes reflected in MD Exchange.


Upon clicking Yes you are presented with the MDExchange Management window, in which you can make manual changes to your user details if desired.

MDExchange Management


Click OK to confirm your changes, after which you will be returned to the User Database.

Deleting Practitioner Records

Deleting a practitioner (or user) from the User Database deletes only their record - it does not delete their history of use of Clinical, including any patient data they recorded. The action of deleting practitioners from Clinical is permanent; only MedicalDirector Customer Service may be able to recover your deleted user records.

Via the User Database select the record you wish to delete.

Click Delete or press the DELETE key on your keyboard. You will be prompted to confirm this action.